Discover the Beauty of Nature: Introducing the Kedung Ombo tableware Collection by Clayo Indonesia

Bowls are the oldest eating utensils known to humanity, with a history that dates back over 10,000 years. Crafted from a variety of materials—stone, wood, ceramic, and metal—these timeless vessels have served countless generations. In this rich tradition, CLAYO has introduced a new innovation: bowls designed with natural, sturdy curves that exude elegance and simplicity.

The matte texture of these bowls mimics the surface of stone pottery, enhancing their organic appeal. Each bowl features unique support legs that elevate the design, making them both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Yet, CLAYO’s innovation extends beyond just the design; it is deeply inspired by the breathtaking natural beauty of Indonesia.

One of the most striking influences is the Kedung Ombo Reservoir, an enchanting destination surrounded by lush greenery and fresh air. The stunning views and serene atmosphere of this locale have informed the design and concept of the Kedung Ombo Collection. CLAYO’s bowls encapsulate the essence of this beautiful environment, marrying functionality with artistry.

With the Kedung Ombo Collection, CLAYO offers not just an everyday utensil, but a piece of art that brings a touch of nature into your home. These bowls are designed to be both practical and captivating, making them perfect for any setting. Experience the beauty of Indonesia through the exquisite craftsmanship of CLAYO, and elevate your dining experience with the elegance of the Kedung Ombo Collection.

New Collection Marble black gold – Alam Mimika by CLAYO

CLAYO has once again introduced its latest artisan tableware collection, adding a unique touch to dining experiences. Renowned for its distinctive textures and graceful curves, CLAYO ventures into the realm of luxury with the unveiling of the Black Marble Collection, elegantly adorned with regal gold accents.

In addition, the Mimika by CLAYO Natural Collection draws inspiration from Mimika Regency in Papua, celebrated for its stunning natural landscapes and rich resources. Known as the third largest gold producer in the world, Mimika embodies the essence of natural wealth, influencing the design and aesthetic of this remarkable collection.

Explore the exquisite craftsmanship of CLAYO’s latest offerings, where artistry meets luxury in every piece.

Experience Exotic Elegance: Introducing the Lembah Harau Dining Set


One of the wonderful aspects of Stoneware dinnerware is its ability to convey elegance through simplicity. The natural colors and natural finishing touch create a unique and earthy appearance that perfects the appearance of the dish served.

     CLAYO Indonesia presents Harau Valley with a contemporary minimalist aesthetic touch, Harau Valley which is a wide plain surrounded by stretches of natural rock cliffs. 

    CLAYO sculpts the beauty of the Harau Valley in exotic dining sets that will bring an unforgettable dining experience.

Uluwatu series by Clayo Indonesia

True story of ULUWATU by Chef Sergio Satue x CLAYO

Everyone who has been to Bali will surely remember well the beauty and charm of Uluwatu. Uluwatu which is one of the charms of Bali Island. Uluwatu which is surrounded by rocks and high cliffs is its own charm, inspired by the beauty of the towering Uluwatu cliffs with beautiful relics carved by the waves CLAYO made his work by the sovereignty of SERGIO SATUE BARREIROS who is the chef and also the owner of Six Senses Kitchen – Jogja to join together to create a series of works that are authentic, fascinating and can meet the needs of every chef to present his masterpieces on tableware that Premium quality.

Tableware for chefs is a canvas to pour all their inspiration and dedication as their best form of offering. SERGIO SATUE BARREIROS Together with CLAYO created 7 essential elements that remind everyone of ULUWATU , each sculpture and texture of the ULUWATU collection brings our memories back to the Southern part of the island of Bali.


Apa yang membuat tampilan makanan menjadi begitu lezat dan menggiurkan? Salah satunya adalah tampilan visual dari makanan tersebut, dan tentu saja tableware yang menarik. Dan, PT Indo Porcelain proudly presents jenama terbarunya, CLAYO Stoneware, yang siap melayani kebutuhan tempat makan premium seperti hotel dan restoran.

CLAYO memperkenalkan pilihan tableware buatan tangan khas dan eksotis yang terinspirasi dari keindahan alam Indonesia dan berfungsi sebagai kanvas bagi para Chef untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas mereka melalui penyajian makanan yang agar tampil cantik.

CLAYO diciptakan dengan sentuhan keanggunan dan kemewahan yang terangkum menjadi perpaduan unik yang mencerminkan keindahan geografis Indonesia, kreativitas dan adat istiadat nusantara yang kemudian terangkum dalam filosofi  PT Indo Porcelain “CLAYO, Embracing Art from Indonesian Nature”.

Debut CLAYO Stoneware digelar pada 25 Oktober 2023, di ballroom kondominium termewah di Jakarta Selatan, Verde Two Kuningan yang dihadiri oleh para pemain FNB dan chef ternama di Indonesia, diperlihatkan juga koleksi kolaborasi antara CLAYO Stoneware dengan Sergio S Barreiroschef sekaligus pemilik Restaurant Six Senses. Sebagai jenama lokal yang terinspirasi dari budaya dan keindahan alam Indonesia, PT Indo Porcelain bercita-cita untuk memberikan warna baru dalam dunia gastronomi dengan menghadirkan karya terbaik dan secara eksklusif kepada konsumen CLAYO agar mereka dapat mengekspresikan kreativitasnya dengan mendukung penyajian makanannya.

Kembali ke fungsi inti dari tableware, yang sangat penting dalam penyajian hidangan, seorang koki akan memprioritaskan peralatan makan sebagai aspek kunci dalam menyajikan hidangan terbaiknya. CLAYO dengan senang hati memperkenalkan tableware luar biasa yang telah dikembangkan secara khusus untuk memungkinkan pengguna menyajikan makanan dengan seni dan rasa. CLAYO didesain dengan kepribadian berbeda dan personal, memastikan tetap menarik saat dipadukan dengan tableware lainnya.

Desain CLAYO tidak hanya unik tetapi juga versatile untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumennya. Produk CLAYO dijual di pasar domestik dan luar negeri, sebagian besar ke hotel dan restoran premium kelas atas. CLAYO dengan tagline “Dress your dining fusion” menghadirkan peralatan makan dengan bentuk penuh karakter dan berbeda untuk mengoptimalkan hasil sebuah sajian, tersedia dalam 16 karakter berbeda, masing-masing dengan dua pilihan cup dan saucer yang menarik.

Aestetik! Ini Brand Peralatan Makan Baru dengan Desain Bertema Alam Indonesia

Kebutuhan peralatan makan yang unik semakin meningkat. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, CLAYO Stonerware brand terbaru PT Indo Porcelain berusaha menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat dengan pilihan lini produk terbarunya.
Terinspirasi dari keindahan alam Indonesia, CLAYO menghadirkan koleksi peralatan makan buatan tangan yang unik.
Dalam peluncuran beberapa waktu lalu di Verde Two Kuningan, CLAYO Stoneware menampilkan esensi keajaiban alam Indonesia dengan menghadirkan rangkaian peralatan makan unik dan eksotis yang berfungsi sebagai kanvas bagi para chef untuk mengekspresikan kreativitas mereka melalui presentasi hidangan yang mereka ciptakan.

Mengusung filosofi “CLAYO, Merangkum Seni Dari Alam Indonesia”, diciptakan dengan sentuhan keanggunan dan kemewahan yang mencerminkan keindahan geografis Indonesia, kreativitas, serta adat Nusantara.

“Kami bekerja sama dengan tim pengrajin yang terampil dan dengan cermat menciptakan karya karya yang indah dan otentik, kami memastikan kualitas dan pengerjaan produk dengan sangat teliti untuk menghasilkan karya yang indah,” ujar CLAYO seperti dikutip dari keterangan resmi yang kumparan terima, Kamis (9/11).

Sebagai produsen peralatan makan yang telah ada lebih dari 40 tahun, CLAYO mengeklaim hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan terbaik dan premium dalam pembuatan produknya.

Kembali kepada fungsi utama peralatan makan yang memegang peranan penting dalam presentasi hidangan, seorang chef akan mengutamakan peralatan makan menjadi bagian penting dalam menyajikan hidangan terbaik mereka.

Peralatan Makan Premium yang Dibuat Khusus

CLAYO menyebut peralatan makannya memiliki kualitas premium yang dibuat khusus untuk memungkinkan pengguna menyajikan hidangan dengan sentuhan seni dan cita rasa dalam waktu yang bersamaan.

Didesain dengan karakter yang unik dan personal sehingga tetap menawan bila dipadukan dengan peralatan makan lainnya, desain kali ini tidak hanya unik namun dibuat lebih fungsional sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna.

Produk mereka dipasok untuk pasar lokal dan internasional terutama kebutuhan hotel dan restoran premium kelas atas. Mereka menghadirkan 16 karakter yang berbeda; yang di dalamnya terdapat dua pilihan cup and saucer yang unik dan menarik.

“Sebagai lokal brand yang terinspirasi dari budaya dan keindahan alam Indonesia, kami berharap dapat memberi warna baru dalam dunia gastronomi yang memang kami sengaja persembahkan khusus untuk konsumen CLAYO agar dapat mengekspresikan kreativitas mereka dengan mendukung presentasi hidangan mereka melalui karya karya terbaik kami,” pungkasnya.

Keindahan Alam Nusantara dalam Rupa Tableware

Di dunia kuliner, cita rasa adalah faktor yang sangat menentukan apakah sebuah hidangan akan disukai atau tidak. Namun hal lain yang tidak kalah penting adalah tampilan saat menyajikan makanan. Makanan lezat bila tidak disajikan dengan bagus, mungkin kurang menggugah selera. Sebaliknya, makanan yang rasanya biasa saja tapi disajikan dengan baik, akan membuat orang tergoda mencicipinya. Menyajikan makanan bisa dianggap sebagai seni yang melibatkan makanan itu sendiri beserta alat-alat makan yang mendampinginya. Sebagian dari kita tentu pernah merasakan bagaimana piring berwarna-warni, cangkir cantik, dan peralatan makan secara ajaib bisa meningkatkan selera kita, memberi kesan mewah atau eksotis, yang akhirnya memberi citarasa tinggi.

Dalam hal penyajian hidangan, tableware, atau perlengkapan makan, adalah elemen penting dalam seni kuliner. Bukan hanya sebagai wadah untuk makanan tetapi juga sebagai kanvas di mana seorang koki atau tuan rumah mengekspresikan kreativitas mereka. Tableware bisa disebut alat magis yang membawa elemen estetika ke dalam ruang makan. Karenanya pilihan alat makan ini bukanlah hal yang remeh temeh. Berawal dari gagasan di atas, PT. Indo Porcelain merilis brand terbarunya, Clayo Stoneware yang menyediakan tableware elegan sekaligus fungsional dengan desain khusus untuk mempercantik meja makan. Dengan tagline “Dress your dining fussion” Clayo menghadirkan tableware dengan bentuk unik dan berbeda untuk memaksimalkan hasil plating sebuah hidangan, membangkitkan selera, dan menambahkan sentuhan mewah pada pengalaman kuliner.

Produk-produk tableware Clayo dibuat menggunakan tangan dengan inspirasi yang diambil dari alam dan adat istiadat Indonesia, seperti filosofi yang dianut: “Merangkum seni dari alam Indonesia”. Clayo juga menggandeng Chef Sergio Satue Barreiros, chef pemilik Six Senses, sebuah restoran fine dining di Yogyakarta, untuk bekerja sama menghadirkan koleksi khusus. “Kami memilih bekerja sama dengan Chef Sergio karena dia adalah sosok yang memiliki passion yang sama dengan kami. Selain itu dia juga perfeksionis, sehingga sesuai dengan keinginan kami untuk menyediakan tableware dengan kualitas terbaik,” kata Tjandra Suwarto di konferensi pers dan grand launching Clayo Indonesia pada Rabu (25/10/2023).

Chef Sergio pun mengungkapkan bahwa Clayo Indonesia sejalan dengan visinya untuk memuaskan pelanggan. “Dengan desainnya yang eksotis, Anda pasti akan terdorong untuk membuat menu dengan plating yang baik dan akan berpikir apa yang akan Anda letakkan diatas piring itu,” ujarnya. Produk-produk Clayo Indonesia dibuat secara teliti dan cermat dengan proses pembakaran dua kali yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan durabilitas produk sehingga lenih tahan lama dan tidak mudah rusak. Tjandra Suwarto menyebutkan bahwa Clayo bersedia menerima request desain produk dari pelanggan dengan kustomisasi personal yang diharapkan dapat memberikan kepuasan tersendiri bagi pelanggan.

Indonesian Charm on Porcelain

The most requests are for specific ones or curved containers that are the same as the tray. The increasingly popular Japanese restaurants have apparently opened a niche market.

The interest of top chefs who want exclusive dining equipment was captured by Indo Porcelain by launching Clayo. These handmade products display the panoramic beauty of the archipelago, tailored to the wishes of the customer.

Inspired by the charm of Indonesian tourist destinations, the various porcelain collection includes ‘Kemilau Sentani’, ‘Lembah Sindoro’, and ‘Pesona Maninjau’. The cup for the appetizer dish, like the ‘Awan Gunung Hawu’ variant, resembles a rose with swirling designs along the edges.

Similarly, “Tirta Sudamala” is an asymmetrical triangle cup and saucer. The porcelain includes enough space to place snacks alongside warm drinks. The elongated plate, “Elok Pikat Sagori” with non-identical sides, reinforces its uniqueness.

It is reasonable for the factory in Tangerang, Banten, to have its own unique design. Chefs from five-star hotels and restaurants who desire unique features in their equipment have taken note of Indo Porcelain’s nine-month research to release the Clayo line.

“The required model by customers can be discussed beforehand,” said Tjandra Suwarto, President Director of Indo Porcelain, in Jakarta on Tuesday (21/11/2023). The delivery of Clayo has already been realized in two bona fide hotels, located in the Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) and Kuningan, Jakarta.”

Can design

Their respective order values are around Rp 200 million. Interestingly, the most sought-after items are those that are specific or have a curved container similar to a plate. The increasingly popular Japanese restaurants are actually opening up new markets, to which Indo Porcelain responded by producing “Bamboo Sushi”.

Not just mini portions of rice filled with salmon, cucumber, or fish eggs wrapped in seaweed, Indo Porcelain aligns its innovation with sashimi, wasabi, and pickles. Each curve is not exactly the same as sporadic brush strokes, but the format is anything but monotonous.

“We have never produced handmade items. So far, Indo Porcelain makes, customers choose. “Now, they can design,” said Tjandra. Buyers also don’t worry that the ceramics are finished because they are made with a satin finish.

“That means no scratches like when cutting bread with a knife. After discussion, we applied anti-scratch. “You can also choose the colors,” said Tjandra. He observed segmented gaps which he termed niche markets.

“Apparently, the kitchen management does not want their equipment to be the same as elsewhere. They know better than the owners. We will fulfill their input,” he said.

Indo Porcelain has also established a special production line to prepare Clayo.

Limited quantity
“Thus, it does not interfere with other massive works. If it is hindered, it will be chaotic. So, a separate area is provided,” said Tjandra.

Clayo can be directly observed in stores that sell Indo Porcelain tableware or by inviting their staff for a consultation.

“The theme of the natural beauty of the homeland was chosen because of its elegance. Thus, reflecting the stunning geography. We also support the market with its trends,” said Tjandra.

Another completed collection by Clayo includes “Giri Salaka”, “Telaga Warna”, “Svarga Bumi”, “Pasir Berbisik”, and “Kuncup Puspa Nusa”.

General Manager of Indo Porcelain, Windya Martilova, stated that the price of Clayo is in the range of Rp 250,000 to Rp 350,000 per unit. “The quantity we usually produce is large, but Clayo can be made in limited amounts or starting from only 50 units,” she said.

A discount of around 30 percent is also applied temporarily, bringing the price to IDR 180,000-IDR 250,000 per unit. “Plates, bowls and cups are equipped with saucers like that. “We are looking to reach the market,” said Windya.

The owner and chef of Sixsenses Restaurant in Yogyakarta, Sergio Satue, appreciates Clayo’s high standards. “The results are very creative for contemporary fine dining (formal style dining). “Moreover, Indo Porcelain, with its large capacity, understands the chef’s suggestions,” he said.

Tableware Kusuma Nusantara: Celebrating Indonesia’s Flora and Cultural Richness

Tableware holds a special place in our dining experiences, not only serving as functional tools but also as a reflection of personal style and cultural heritage. For those seeking a tableware collection that beautifully captures Indonesia’s natural beauty and cultural richness, Tableware Kusuma Nusantara is a remarkable choice. Inspired by Indonesia’s diverse flora, this collection embodies elegance, artistry, and a deep connection to the country’s vibrant heritage. In this article, we will explore the captivating world of Tableware Kusuma Nusantara, delving into its design elements, cultural symbolism, and the extraordinary dining experiences it brings to the table.

Design Elements: Embracing Indonesia’s Flora

Tableware Kusuma Nusantara draws inspiration from the magnificent flora found throughout the Indonesian archipelago. Let’s delve into the design elements that make this collection truly captivating:

  1. Floral Motifs: The tableware pieces in the Kusuma Nusantara collection feature intricate floral motifs, meticulously crafted to reflect the beauty and diversity of Indonesian flowers. These motifs often include blossoming petals, delicate leaves, and vibrant blooms, capturing the essence of Indonesia’s tropical flora. The designs are skillfully incorporated into the tableware, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing aesthetic.
  2. Organic Shapes: The tableware pieces embrace organic and flowing shapes, mirroring the natural forms found in flowers and foliage. The gentle curves and soft edges add a sense of grace and fluidity, enhancing the overall elegance of the collection. Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, showcasing the craftsmanship of Indonesian artisans.
  3. Vibrant Colors: Tableware Kusuma Nusantara celebrates the rich and vibrant colors of Indonesian flora. From the vibrant reds of hibiscus to the deep blues of orchids, the color palette reflects the natural beauty of the country’s flowers. The use of these vibrant colors adds a touch of vibrancy and liveliness to the dining experience, creating a visually stunning table setting.

Cultural Symbolism: Honoring Indonesian Heritage

Tableware Kusuma Nusantara goes beyond its visual appeal, embodying the cultural symbolism and heritage of Indonesia. Each piece serves as a tribute to the country’s deep connection to nature and the significance of flowers in Indonesian culture.

Flowers hold great symbolic meaning in Indonesian traditions. They are often associated with beauty, fertility, and spirituality. In various ceremonies and celebrations, flowers play a central role, symbolizing purity, renewal, and good fortune. By incorporating floral motifs into the tableware, Kusuma Nusantara pays homage to this symbolism, creating a connection to Indonesian cultural heritage.

Moreover, the collection showcases the country’s diverse flora, highlighting the richness of Indonesia’s natural resources and the need for environmental conservation. Each piece becomes a reminder of the importance of preserving and protecting the natural beauty that surrounds us.

An Extraordinary Dining Experience

Tableware Kusuma Nusantara offers more than just a visually captivating collection; it creates an extraordinary dining experience that celebrates Indonesian artistry and cultural heritage. Each piece becomes a conversation starter, inviting guests to appreciate the intricate designs, craftsmanship, and cultural significance behind them.

Furthermore, Tableware Kusuma Nusantara elevates the overall dining atmosphere, infusing it with a sense of elegance and cultural richness. Whether you are hosting a formal dinner or enjoying a casual meal with loved ones, this collection transforms the dining experience into a celebration of Indonesia’s natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Celebrate Indonesian Artistry

Tableware Kusuma Nusantara is a celebration of Indonesian artistry, craftsmanship, and the vibrant beauty of the archipelago. Tableware Kusuma Nusantara is a testament to the exceptional artistry and craftsmanship of Indonesian artisans. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring the highest quality and durability. The collection showcases the skill and expertise passed down through generations, preserving traditional techniques and art forms that are integral to Indonesian culture.

By choosing Tableware Kusuma Nusantara, you not only acquire a stunning and meaningful tableware collection but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of Indonesian artistry. Your support helps sustain the livelihoods of local artisans and ensures the continuation of their craft. It also enables them to pass down their knowledge and skills to future generations, safeguarding Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

Furthermore, incorporating Tableware Kusuma Nusantara into your dining experiences allows you to share the beauty and cultural richness of Indonesia with your guests. Each meal becomes an opportunity to celebrate and appreciate Indonesian artistry, history, and natural heritage. It sparks conversations, fosters cultural exchange, and deepens connections as you gather around a table adorned with these exquisite pieces.


Tableware Kusuma Nusantara represents a captivating fusion of artistry, cultural symbolism, and natural beauty. Inspired by Indonesia’s diverse flora, the collection brings the vibrancy and elegance of Indonesian flowers to your dining table. With its intricate floral motifs, organic shapes, and vibrant colors, it creates a visually stunning and culturally significant dining experience.

Through Tableware Kusuma Nusantara, you celebrate Indonesian heritage, honor the country’s rich traditions, and support local artisans. Each piece serves as a testament to the artistry, craftsmanship, and cultural significance deeply rooted in Indonesian culture. By embracing this collection, you bring a touch of Indonesia’s natural beauty and cultural heritage into your home, creating extraordinary dining experiences that will be cherished for years to come.

Tableware Giri Salaka: Celebrating Indonesian Artistry and Natural Beauty

Tableware plays a significant role in creating memorable dining experiences, reflecting personal style, and showcasing cultural heritage. For those seeking a tableware collection that embodies the artistry and natural beauty of Indonesia, Tableware Giri Salaka offers a captivating fusion of elegance, craftsmanship, and cultural significance. Inspired by the majestic landscapes of Indonesia, this collection captures the essence of the country’s diverse flora and fauna. In this article, we will explore the captivating world of Tableware Giri Salaka, delving into its design elements, cultural symbolism, and the extraordinary dining experiences it brings to the table.

Design Elements: Embracing Indonesian Natural Beauty

Tableware Giri Salaka celebrates the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant natural beauty of Indonesia. Let’s delve into the design elements that make this collection truly captivating:

  1. Nature-Inspired Motifs: The tableware pieces in the Giri Salaka collection feature intricate motifs inspired by Indonesia’s diverse flora and fauna. These motifs often include depictions of lush tropical foliage, graceful birds, or exotic animals. The designs are carefully handcrafted, showcasing the skill and attention to detail of Indonesian artisans.
  2. Earthy Color Palette: The color palette of Tableware Giri Salaka reflects the natural hues found in Indonesian landscapes. Earthy tones, such as warm browns, deep greens, and muted blues, evoke a sense of tranquility and harmony. These colors bring the essence of nature to the dining table, creating a soothing and inviting ambiance.
  3. Organic Shapes: The tableware pieces often feature organic and flowing shapes, reminiscent of the curves and contours found in nature. The gentle curves and smooth edges add a touch of elegance and create a harmonious aesthetic. The collection embraces the concept of “wabi-sabi,” appreciating the beauty of imperfection and natural irregularities.

Cultural Symbolism: Honoring Indonesian Heritage

Tableware Giri Salaka goes beyond its visual appeal, embracing the cultural heritage and symbolism of Indonesia. Each piece becomes a reflection of the rich traditions and values deeply rooted in the country. The motifs and depictions of flora and fauna hold significant meaning in Indonesian culture and symbolize various aspects of life and spirituality.

In Indonesian traditions, birds represent freedom, grace, and divine connection. They are often seen as messengers of good fortune and bringers of harmony. The inclusion of bird motifs in Tableware Giri Salaka pays homage to this symbolism, adding an element of spirituality and positive energy to the dining experience.

Flora and fauna hold great cultural significance in Indonesia, representing the country’s rich biodiversity and connection to the natural world. By incorporating these motifs into the tableware, Giri Salaka celebrates Indonesia’s natural beauty and fosters a deeper appreciation for the environment and the need for its preservation.

An Extraordinary Dining Experience

Tableware Giri Salaka offers more than just a visually captivating collection; it creates an extraordinary dining experience that celebrates Indonesian artistry and cultural heritage. Each piece becomes a conversation starter, inviting guests to admire the intricate designs, appreciate the craftsmanship, and explore the cultural significance behind them.

Moreover, Tableware Giri Salaka enhances the overall dining atmosphere, creating a sense of elegance and sophistication. Whether you’re hosting a formal dinner party or enjoying a casual meal with loved ones, this collection elevates the experience, transforming it into a sensory journey that connects diners with the beauty of Indonesia.

Celebrating Indonesian Artistry

Tableware Giri Salaka serves as a celebration of Indonesian artistry, craftsmanship, and natural beauty. The collection showcases the creativity and skill of Indonesian artisans, who meticulously handcraft each piece. By incorporating this tableware into your dining experience, you not only support local artisans but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of Indonesian artistry on a global scale.

Tableware Giri Salaka serves as a bridge between past and present, tradition and modernity. It represents a fusion of age-old craftsmanship with contemporary design sensibilities. The collection’s timeless appeal allows it to seamlessly integrate into various dining aesthetics, from traditional to modern, adding a touch of Indonesian elegance and cultural heritage to any table setting.

In addition to its artistic and cultural significance, Tableware Giri Salaka is crafted with high-quality materials and attention to detail, ensuring durability and functionality. Each piece is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use, making it suitable for both everyday meals and special occasions. The collection is also easy to clean and maintain, offering convenience for busy households.

By choosing Tableware Giri Salaka, you not only acquire a stunning tableware collection but also become part of a larger narrative that celebrates Indonesian artistry and cultural heritage. Your purchase supports the local artisans and craftsmen who pour their passion and skill into creating these exceptional pieces. It contributes to the preservation and continuation of traditional techniques and art forms, ensuring their survival for future generations.


Tableware Giri Salaka is a testament to the beauty of Indonesian artistry, natural landscapes, and cultural heritage. Through its intricate designs, nature-inspired motifs, and earthy color palette, it captures the essence of Indonesia’s diverse flora and fauna. Each piece is a work of art that celebrates the country’s rich traditions and values, while also adding elegance and sophistication to your dining experience.

By embracing Tableware Giri Salaka, you bring a touch of Indonesian cultural heritage into your home and create extraordinary dining experiences for yourself and your guests. The collection serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving traditional craftsmanship and supporting local artisans. It represents a connection to the natural world, reminding us of the need to cherish and protect the environment.

Indulge in the beauty and artistry of Tableware Giri Salaka, and let it transform your dining table into a canvas of Indonesian elegance and cultural expression. Experience the joy of celebrating Indonesian heritage, one meal at a time, as you gather with loved ones and create lasting memories around this exceptional collection.